Julian Garcia-Schroeder

Join me on my journey

Picture of Julian

Who am I?

Just a 24 year old travel-junkie from Phoenix, Arizona, dabbling in web-programming! Though I love the technical aspect of programming in general I really enjoying working on projects where I can be in communication with all stakeholders involved.

Current Studies

I am excited to begin my career in business analysis, leveraging a strong foundation built through dedicated coursework and hands-on practice. I graduated from university with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems, achieving a GPA of 3.46. I've immersed myself in the essential tools of the trade, including Excel, SQL, and Tableau, mastering the skills needed to analyze and visualize data effectively. Additionally, I've completed a project management course to ensure I can lead and execute projects efficiently. With this comprehensive skill set, I'm eager to contribute meaningful insights and drive strategic decisions in the business world. Currently, I'm looking into projects to practice using Power BI and Salesforce, further enhancing my analytical capabilities and readiness for the industry.

Books stacked on a table


Feel free to take a look at my resume! Click on the image to view, or click here to download.